The operations and management of the Tennessee State Veterans’ Homes is vested in the State Veterans’ Home Board. Board members are formally appointed by the Governor and represent various veteran organizations, interests, and geographic regions of the state.

The late Richard Grant, West Region Board Member, with Hugh Lamar, Board Chairman, at the Arlington construction site the day vertical beams were installed.

Executive Director, Ed Harries sharing a smile with Tennessee Department of Veteran Services Commissioner, Tommy Baker, at the ribbon cutting ceremony for the home in Cleveland

Hugh Lamar
West Region
Board Chair

Joseph Kyles
West Region
Board Member

William Rawls
West Region

Ellen Moore
Central Region

Rex Wolfe
Central Region

Karon Uzzell Baggett
Central Region

Wayne Honeycutt
East Region

Keith Thompson
East Region
Board Member

John Watson
East Region

Rita Bollinger
Industry Specialist
Audit Chair

Jennifer Vedral-Baron
Industry Specialist

Thad DelConte

Major General
Tommy H. Baker

Jim Bryson